Woovit Update 7/9/2020: Publisher Side Improvements

This week we shipped three improvements for publishers: a campaign search bar, invoice downloads, and made some tweaks to whitelists.

Campaign Search Bar

Some of our publishers now have hundreds of campaigns, so reverse chronology wasn’t cutting it anymore. Search by campaign name! This returns campaigns and what state (e.g., drafted, active, etc.) they’re in.

Downloading Old Invoices

You never know when your accountant or the tax man might bug you for an old invoice. No more hunting through old emails. Download the PDF for any previous billing cycle from your Billing Page in Account Management.

Whitelist Improvements

Each creator’s page now shows you which of your whitelists they’re on and allows you to add them to another.

Furthermore, when you’re adding creators through our whitelist dialog, creators already on that list they won’t show up in the search. We wanted to avoid duplication, but let us know if this change in behavior is not what you were expecting.

Woovit Update 6/30/2020: New & Improved Activity Feed

We have made some significant improvements to the readability and usability of our publishers’ “Feed” of events, and a small improvement to our whitelists.

Feed Changes

  • Creator channel stats are now shown on hover.
  • Items are highlighted when you hover over them.
  • The separation of days is now less intrusive.
  • The color scheme is now unified.
  • The filters area is brightened up.
  • The background is now a pleasing blue gradient.

This new look should be less taxing to wade through, so you can get back to slinging codes sooner.

Notes added to a feed item regarding a creator will now also be posted to their profile.


Invitations to Woovit from adding someone to a whitelist are now more flexible. If you invite someone using an email address, they can sign-up to Woovit with a channel attached to a different email address and still be on your whitelist.

If you’re a publisher that would like a demo of these capabilities, let us know at [email protected] or our chat box in the lower right of this screen. We look forward to hearing from you.

Important New Functionality for Publishers: the Blocklist

Woovit has always tried to block creators we think are running scams, or that are too small to help your campaign. We take this very seriously — we’ve blocked over 10,000 accounts. This problem plagues the industry and is a big reason we started Woovit!

What if a qualified creator is just bad for you though? Someone that doesn’t give you fair reviews or incessantly bugs you. You still want to automate a campaign, but how do you stop that creator from getting code?

We’ve solved that: introducing the Blocklist. This is a publisher-specific list of creators that will be prohibited from getting codes from you, and limit interactions altogether. You can find it at the top of your screen as a publisher.

Unlike Whitelists, each publisher has only one Blocklist. Adding a creator to your blocklist means they:

  • Can’t see your campaigns
  • Can’t request codes from anyone in your organization
  • Will be automatically removed from any of your organization’s whitelists

When a creator has been blocked, but still finds a link elsewhere to a campaign, they will see this message.

When someone is blocked, you can add a note so your team members on Woovit know why they were blocked. However, any member of your organization may unblock. Blocklist activity will show up in the organization feed.

Perhaps I’m a little too hard on myself…

Publishers can block by:

  • Searching for the creator’s handle
  • In response to a video delivery
  • From their profile page.

Once blocklisted a creator won’t show up in your searches when whitelisting. You will also be unable to send them proactive offers. This means you don’t have to worry about any codes being sent by accident.

Woovit knows which creators are getting blocked by publishers. It’s helpful to everyone for us to know who is getting blocked. If we see many publishers individually blocking a creator, we will review and consider whether that channel should be blocked for everyone.

It’s your codes, your choice, we won’t lobby you to reverse a block. If you feel uncomfortable with us seeing who you’ve blocked we’ll consider building opt-out mechanisms so you can keep that private.

We hope this is a helpful step forward to automate and improve your outreach to creators!

Please send any feedback through our chat in the lower right of your screen, or to [email protected]

Woovit Creator Spotlight – Mountain_Main and Bast_50

Happy new year! To kick off 2020 we’re continuing our Creator Spotlight where we showcase two creators who have created outstanding content from campaigns they claimed on Woovit.

Mountain_Man deals with exploding fire bugs in Phoenix Point.

Bast_50 rocks out and showcases the aiming feature in Phoenix Point.

Have content you’re proud of and want to share? Send it to us at [email protected] and you could be featured in our next Creator Spotlight!

Woovit Creator Spotlight – Bayliun and MunchkinDoom

Every week we spotlight two creators who have created outstanding content from campaigns they claimed on Woovit.

Bayliun begins his mission to save humanity from aliens in Phoenix Point.

MunchkinDoom goes back in time and relives Disney Classic Games: The Lion King.

Have content you’re proud of and want to share? Send it to us at [email protected] and you could be featured in our next Creator Spotlight!

Woovit Creator Spotlight – CohhCarnage and WolfsGoRawr

Every week we spotlight two creators who have created outstanding content from campaigns they claimed on Woovit.

CohhCarnage fights aliens and is victorious in Phoenix Point.

WolfsGoRawr faces off against mutating aliens in Phoenix Point.

Have content you’re proud of and want to share? Send it to us at [email protected] and you could be featured in our next Creator Spotlight!

Woovit Creator Spotlight – Whoozaa and Pravus Gaming

Every week we spotlight two creators who have created outstanding content from campaigns they claimed on Woovit.

Whoozaa dives into the Revelations expansion for Age of Wonders: Planetfall.

Pravus Gaming tells his colonists that picking fights with bears is a bad idea in Surviving the Aftermath.

Have content you’re proud of and want to share? Send it to us at [email protected] and you could be featured in our next Creator Spotlight!

Woovit Creator Spotlight – KatherineOfSky and KaribouCanadien

Every week we spotlight two creators who have created outstanding content from campaigns they claimed on Woovit.

KatherineOfSky survives a meteor shower and continues to rebuild civilization in Surviving the Aftermath.

KaribouCanadien explores the world in Vambrace: Cold Soul.

Have content you’re proud of and want to share? Send it to us at [email protected] and you could be featured in our next Creator Spotlight!

Woovit Creator Spotlight – Skye Storme and Krayn_Live

Every week we spotlight two creators who have created outstanding content from campaigns they claimed on Woovit.

Skye Storme suffers an epidemic in Surviving the Aftermath.

Krayn_Live attempts to explore the stars in Crying Suns.

Have content you’re proud of and want to share? Send it to us at [email protected] and you could be featured in our next Creator Spotlight!

Woovit Creator Spotlight – Yippee Ki Yay Mr Falcon and Falconero

Every week we spotlight two creators who have created outstanding content from campaigns they claimed on Woovit.

Yippee Ki Yay Mr Falcon finds a friendly doggo while running from the zombie hoard in Into The Dead 2.

Falconero attempts to build an efficient colony in Surviving the Aftermath.

Have content you’re proud of and want to share? Send it to us at [email protected] and you could be featured in our next Creator Spotlight!