New Epic & Discord Store Support

Woovit now has native support for both Epic and Discord as key distribution platforms. Once selected, the

Given the growing number of platforms – sure to continue in coming years – we’ve also alphabetized the drop down list for publishers in the fifth campaign creation step.

Creators can filter the offers to see what is available by platform of course as well. We’re happy to have our first Discord offer up now, At Sundown from Versus Evil. In a few weeks a publisher will be offering an Epic-store exclusive on Woovit we think creators will enjoy.

As Epic & Discord continue to develop their platforms we’re looking forward to adding support for any APIs they open.

We will be supporting the Discord API as a authenticated account type for creators sometime in the next few months. We will also add Discord channel as something creators can add to their profile pages.

New Functionality: Notes for Publishers

We’re happy to introduce some obvious functionality for publishers: notes on the creators you’re working with. Notes you make are private to your publisher’s organization and are not seen by the public.

We’ve rolled this out now, just on the individual creator pages. We will roll it out elsewhere in publishers’ Woovit experience in January.

This should be handy for the individual user structure of Woovit now, but will really take off we believe when we roll out multiple users functionality for publishers in the first quarter of next year. 

Some Small Optimizations for the Creator Experience

Creators should have seen we’ve removed the pagination of offers. Instead we have an infinite scroll. This should make it a bit easier for everyone to see as many offers as possible without having to move the mouse around to find the next page button.

Our creator settings page is now we think easier to use, broken up into the profile information and a connected accounts page. We’ll continue to tweak that over time.

After featured spots, campaigns are now sorted by the number of videos delivered. This seems to us to be the best default view than recency (which is what we did for a long while) or the number of codes issued (which is what we did before this change.) The filters you set are then your default. See our dropdown menu, upper left, to change the options in addition to the checkboxes:

Sorting on Woovit

With these changes and options, the need for the Hide functionality seemed to drop substantially. Fewer and fewer of our creators were using it. Less than 5% of our creators have ever used it, and it was more often used when we had the sort order by recency. So we’ve decided to remove the Hide offer function.

Why not leave it in? First, we want to keep things simple and avoid feature creep. More importantly, because Woovit is dynamically calculating the individual eligibility for every campaign, removing this one calculation – though done right now 500 times per person, it also slightly speeds up the rendering of all campaigns. So we think this is a net benefit. If there are enough huge fans of hiding campaigns we’ll put it back in!


Manual Review for Publishers is Now a Premium Function

Woovit started off as a completely automated code distribution platform. We believed then and now, this is the best way to serve the interests of creators. It is best for publishers as well, but was a new way of doing business, which understandably generates caution. Some publishers requested the ability to review code requests, like they do offline or on another service.

We believed this would increase the number and diversity of offerings on Woovit, and it did. But it came at the cost of our core vision of automation which we want to get back to. We believed the requests they received, being already filtered from authenticated creators ultimately bound to deliver codes, could still work. It turns out many publishers choosing manual review were not taking any action on creator key requests. We think more skin of their game would help.

If publishers are not responsive to requests, creators will start making as many requests as they can since they’re not sure what they’ll get. Genuine requests are left hanging and no one wins.

So we’re making the capacity to manually review requests a part of our premium publisher tier, effective immediately. Continue reading “Manual Review for Publishers is Now a Premium Function”

New and Improved Woovit Premium – Now with Featured Offers

Today we’re introducing a major change to Woovit, featured posts.

The unfiltered, default view for a creator will be to see Featured Offers first. These come from publishers who have upgraded to our premium tier ($199/mo). They may choose one campaign to feature at any given time. They are designated with the yellow-orange outline.

After those offers, creators will see additional offers sorted by popularity, instead of recency.  Continue reading “New and Improved Woovit Premium – Now with Featured Offers”