We’ve made three important changes on Woovit: removed paid offers, enabled publishers to mark campaigns as “Coming Soon”, and added view averages to your profiles.
Paid Offers Removed

We saw this feature was not being used often…and when used, not that well. Without an end-to-end system with standardized rules and escrowed payment, there was too much confusion for both creators and publishers.
Any paid offer campaigns publishers have up are still intact, they’re displayed to creators as any other offer now.
Ideally this will make doing sponsorships a little less confusing and let you focus on successfully making those deals outside of Woovit. Publishers can still indicate willingness to enter into the same sort of off-line deals in the description of their campaigns.
Getting paid for your work is important for a viable creator ecosystem. We’ll re-introduce a better paid offer system sometime in the future.
Set a Campaign as “Coming Soon”

Game development is a fluid process and you can’t always commit to a date. In an effort to let you better manage those shifting timetables on your Interest Lists, we’ve added the option to simply set a game as “Coming Soon”.
Profiles Show View Averages

Woovit now lists a channel’s average view count for YouTube or concurrent viewers for Twitch. Our averages are time-limited and not the same as those provided by the platforms: we’ve added tooltips that explain how we determine them.